Saturday, March 20, 2010

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Kazan's Sketch #48: F is for Friends

Happy Saturday night! I squeezed in a card for Kazan's Sketch #48 from 2S4Y! I already had the Kraft card base with the blue paper sewed on it, a reject from a previous project, so it was pretty easy to slap the darling October Afternoon alphabet card on it. Don't you love that vintage look?

How is your weekend going? I should have left the house earlier, I'm going a little stir crazy tonight, ugh! Wish I had gone to a crop or something! hee! Guess I'll go see if I can squeeze another challenge in, I haven't tried Cath's Moxie Fab Doilies & Lace challenge yet.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Hugs and happy stamping!

Cardstock: Kraft, October Afternoon Report Card patterned paper.
Accessories: SU Old Olive Striped Ribbon & Linen Thread, October Afternoon Report Card Alphabet Card, Foof-a-La buttons, Janome Sew Mini.


Brooke S said...

Loving your vintage cards!!!!

~amy~ said...

Love this Angie!!!!

cnelson said...

Fantabulous!! Lovin' the colors and that OA alphabet card!! Perfect!

Jenn Diercks said...

This is fabulous Angie. I love the vintage feel of it.

Kathy Martin said...

Oh wow, this card is so fun! Love that vintage image and the lovely ribbon! :)

Jan Hennings said...

Cutest card! I've been collecting some old readers to use on my cards...what fun!

Unknown said...

Oh Angie this is darling! Love the vintage image and the ribbon - your are amazing!
:) Kazan

Stephanie said...

I can't imagine you ever have a reject card! This is so cute!

Silli said...

So pretty Angie, love the dp and the ribbon...Hugs Silke

Jen said...

oh how fun!! that ribbon is simply delicous!!

Juanita said...

Wow! I love how the cardbase from a previous project ended up getting some use, and it looks great. I love that vintage alphabet card.

Stacey Schafer said...

ack! how did I miss this one? I LOVE the strip of buttons on one side and the wide grosgrain on the other...genious, Angie:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so cute! Great card Angie!