Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I {heart} Office Stuff

I'm glad I have some of these Artisan samples to show, because I sure haven't done any stamping since I've been back from Convention. Am I the only one? I don't seem to be doing much of anything! lol! I do have plans for tomorrow and this weekend, so perhaps I'm saving my strength?!

This card uses one of my all-time favorite sets, Office Accoutrement. I'm so glad it made it into the new catalog, along with its new paper assortment Notations No. 2. I like the original Notations paper best, but luckily I still have a new, unopened package I am saving for an emergency! Anyway, I made the arrow using my square punch, you can see a tutorial here. The other stamp used was That's Nice from the Spring Mini catalog. Thank heavens the Spiral and Round Tab Punch made the new catalog, I'm quite sure I couldn't live without them!

Wish me luck, I'm actually leaving the house today! Haven't been out since I arrived home Sunday, so kept the car today so I could run errands. Blah! Don't like errands, but at least I can get some more Diet Vanilla Pepsi. That's the real miracle...I have survived since Sunday with no Diet Vanilla Pepsi! Actually, I couldn't find any at Convention either, so it's been since last Wednesday when I headed for the airport. Yikes! Gotta go! ;-)


  1. WOW! What a treat to see this "up closer"! And wooohooooo! It's great to hear that someone else adores Office Accoutrement! (I came home to discover that my set took a "vacation" to DD's house!) haha

  2. cute cute card! I love the's the reason I bought that set! :)
