Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine Treats

Happy Friday! It's the most wonderful time...of the week!

Just a quick share of the Valentine treats I made for my students. The photo is not great, I took it with my phone at the last minute before passing them out, of course! ha! I also made them at the last moment, of course, on Sunday night, because that's just the way I do everything!

I was trying to find something fast to make and something that wouldn't make me cry when they threw it away and ate the candy part. I found this flower idea from Andrea Walford and thought it would be perfect, you can see it here. I changed the cookie centers to chocolate hearts and changed the dowels to pencils...something useful that they wouldn't throw away! :)

Hope you have a wonderful Friday! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hugs and happy stamping!


  1. simply adorable, !!!!!!
    lovely the colors and the presentation!!!!!

  2. Great idea, I may try something like this next year.
    That was so good of you to go to this much effort for your little guys.

  3. These are the perfect Valentine treat! I can so relate to the "throw away" part! But I am sure they loved the candy and you know they always need another pencil!

  4. Beautiful bouquet of candy! So lusciously red. Awesome job.

  5. Ah . . . they're adorable! and Yummy!

  6. man! i want to be in your class! those are ADORABLE!!!

  7. Those are cute, cute, cute! And oh, how I can relate about doing something that will not break your heart if it ends up in the recycling bin...

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Dude, I want to be your student!! AWESOME giftie!! So lucky of them!

  9. oh my gosh, what a sweet and talented teacher you are!!!! these are soooo cool!

  10. What a FABULOUS treat idea!! I bet your students LOVED them!!! Super cute, Angie!
