Saturday, December 22, 2007

Good Mail Day

We received a package of Christmas goodies from dh's sister's family and the contents of my gift sort of fell out of the gift bag while opening the box. Oops. So be it. I received the new Autumn Leaves Designing with calendar (this is my 4th year for their awesome calendars, it's like a fantastic idea book in a desktop page-a-day calendar format), Autumn Leaves Jenni Bowlin stamps (these will be great for scrapbooking, come next summer, of course...), and a Marshall's gift card. Merry Christmas to me!

Fortunately, dh's gift remained in tact, and I made sure it stayed that way! Since we're staying in Dallas this year for Christmas (I'm trying to be brave, but I am a little worried...I already cried twice yesterday at the last day of school before the break, who was counting down the days, hours, and minutes left all week!) we've received a nice assortment of gifts to put under the tree. It is soooo hard with no grown-ups here telling us we can't open the presents yet. We try to take turns "playing that role" and keeping each other in check, but it's not easy (as you can tell from the pictures posted above!).

Okay, that's it for today. I did get the house cleaned up and in order today, so I can enjoy myself tomorrow. And stamp!! Yaaay! It will be squeezed in around a trip to the movies and Pei Wei Asian Diner. Yummm. The planned trip took some serious negotiations. I wanted to go to Pei Wei a few weeks ago, and dh wouldn't go at the last minute, so to appease me he promised 2 trips there over Christmas break. (And you can bet I didn't forget!) Then the movies...what an we compromised and it now involves seeing 3 movies over the break...1 he really wants to see, 1 I really want to see, and 1 we both want to see but he wants to see more I think. Confused yet? Me too, I'll let ya know how it works out!


  1. Oh, I am the *worst* at leaving the presents alone under the tree. I shake/rattle them, sniff, feel them up, everything short of undoing the tape. I think the kids are better than I am!!
    Have a super time at the movies, and at dinner!

  2. You are so bad! You're worse than my kids! ROTFL They keep explaining to me that the gifts fall out of the wrapping and that's why they're all over the floor. Riiiiightttttt!
    PeiWei?! I LOVE that place. Gotta eat there once a week. There's one near me and Jackie so maybe next week when we're stamping we can sneak out for lunch.....
    Hugs to you and Merry Christmas!
