Monday, June 4, 2007

SCS Challenge Card

I hope everyone is having a good Monday! School wasn't as bad as I was dreading today! This was my 5th day with the students. It feels really strange getting to know this "new crop" of kids (although 4 of "my kids" are in one of the classes). I was just so attached to my kids from this last year, it feels really strange having them replaced. I'm not sure if it will always be this way, or if it's just because it was my first year and my first kids, but I am really missing them! I was so used to getting hugs and love, and this class just stares at me and asks things like "Why is your name Tieman?" and "Why do you always wear black and white?" ha! ha!

The good news, however, is that I did make one card and four, yes four!, scrapbook pages yesterday! I posted one page Sunday, and I also finished a 2-page spread from our zoo trip with our nephews Jackson & Noah, and a 1-page layout showing some of my favorite things to do. I'll try to take pictures of those pages and post as soon as I can. My scanner doesn't do 12x12, I don't know how to "stitch" the layouts, and it's so dark and cloudy every, single day that I can't get a good photograph! I need some photography help, that's for sure.

This card is for the SCS Challenge FS17. If you're new to their challenges, this stands for the Featured Stamper challenge. This week the FS is stamps4funinCa. You pick one of the cards in her gallery, then make it with your take on it, and post it in the gallery (click on the link for exact instructions). They have all kinds of challenges over at Splitcoast, and I highly recommend checking them out. I've done three recently, and they really help give you that kick in the pants to get started!

I don't think I'll need that kick in the pants tomorrow, however, because my new Fall/Winter Preview Catalog pre-order is arriving!!! Awwww, yeahhhhh! Do you know how long it's been since I've had my hands on some new rubber?!! I may post a picture of all my goodies on Tuesday, but I'm afraid that it may be a little incriminating if I do! 20 hours to go......can I make it....

1 comment:

  1. Very cooooool! Love the CB layering too! Yay!! I found your blog!
